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2013 NOV 04 Gaming for Extra Life
Despite life continuing to become more hectic as I ramp up preparations for opening the new makerspace in North Boynton and preparing for Miami’s first Mini Maker Faire, a group of dedicated…
This is a cheap little trick, but I like to use the Facebook Comment Reveal to add a little excitement to my online social grind. Facebook will truncate a comment to reduce the length of the page and…
2011 MAY 10 Hurray!
@googlenexus announces that I won So I won for my poetry entry! Despite the controversy . . . . . . . . YESSSS!!! :) EDIT: And Google responds.
2011 MAY 06 An Ode To Android
An Ode to Android by Mike Greenberg Dear old Android powered by 3G: Oh how you’ve braved all of my hacks on thee. My compute-on-the-go has changed for the best And quickly calmed my developer…
Just ran across this scientific paper today which explains all of superman’s power within a single unified theory and it looks very compelling. Just thought someone else might find this…