Gaming for Extra Life

Despite life continuing to become more hectic as I ramp up preparations for opening the new makerspace in North Boynton and preparing for Miami’s first Mini Maker Faire, a group of dedicated individuals decided to take on raising cash for a charity event. Extra Life is a charity which accepts donations on behalf of the Children’s Miracle Network of Hospitals and culminates in 24 hours of non-stop gaming. The ante was even higher this year as the event feel on a Daylight Savings shift giving us 25 hours to run. To which we laughed, and pulled off a solid 26.2 hours of straight video and tabletop games!
Not only were we successful in our stamina and discipline, but we were able to raise almost $3,500 throughout our fundraising. I just wanted to take a few minutes to send my deepest thanks out to all of the donors shared some of their hard-earned money to help some children in need. With children of my own, I couldn’t imagine what it must be like for many of these families who are up against some of the worst ailments on the planet without any resources to fight them. The Children’s Miracle Network is doing a great thing and we are happy to support them. I can only say that we are all very lucky that our own families are safe and our team is ready to go for 2014!
Huge thanks goes out to:
REM Learning Center
Nick Karpenske
Wacky Wild Science
Stonly Baptiste
Phil Almeida
Rebekah Monson
Daniel Zajic
Dan Lynch
Scott Conley
Carlos Galbadon
ALL of the anonymous donors!
…and last, (but certainly not least) to all who volunteered to raise cash and support our cause with their time, effort and non-financial generosity.
Thank you all again!