// nobulb

// nobulb

Here are some of my thoughts and musings...

2011 MAY 06 An Ode To Android
An Ode to Android by Mike Greenberg Dear old Android powered by 3G: Oh how you’ve braved all of my hacks on thee. My compute-on-the-go has changed for the best And quickly calmed my developer…

All day long I see stickers, licence plate frames, and other marketing contraband attached to the back of go-mobiles advertising awesome dealerships that have swindled these folks. Yes. Swindled.…

Government subsidies and federal regulations are being entertained by the FTC in an open discussion between the Luddites and the Progressors of news media. This discussion takes a concerning direction…
During a conversation regarding DRM and e-books (stemming from the recent release of the Nook client for Android phones which allows sharing your purchased ebooks with others), I was explaining my…
Not sure how many of you are aware of this phenomenon called Stack Overflow. A question-and-answer site built around programming has been hugely successful in building a strong community. It was so…
As I wait for a project to build, I’d like to unravel some thoughts regarding something of which I’m starting to catch wind. A new feature being implemented into Twitter which helps solve…
As a project, I was asked to build a customized feed using Yahoo Pipes. This service provides users the ability to remix data on the internet using an intuitive visual programming environment and has…
Open and transparent is the theme surrounding our administration to the tune of one federally-run one-stop-resource of all data involving the management and governing of our nation: Data.gov. (Well…
Just ran across this scientific paper today which explains all of superman’s power within a single unified theory and it looks very compelling. Just thought someone else might find this…
I was asked to prepare a screencast which briefly describes jQuery, it’s selectors, and a few short examples. It was my first and I feel the results are pretty good. I did make a few mistakes…
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